Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Issues Which could bring change in Bharat

Issues Which could bring change in Bharat The abode of god for everyone Some recently held incidents in the country are based on the traditions, be it Sabrimala in Kerala, Shani temple in Maharashtra or an issue of a Muslim dargah. It is matter of satisfaction that at least...

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sweet Poisoning disease Diabetes

Sweet Poisoning Disease Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) Today India and China have emerged as the capitals of diabetes. According to the World Health Organization, the diabetes has assumed the shape of epidemic. In India, the disease is fast gripping the population and the unfortunate part is, it...

Pure authentic Ayurvedic products must for every woman, family

Every human being needs health, beauty, power (strength), prosperity and peace without which, the life is incomplete. But all these could be attained with the help of yoga only. For the entire universe accepting yoga, we will have to make the nation as yoga-loving. Everybody will have to get...

Friday, May 27, 2016

The benifits of Kapalbhati Evidence based Vision

THE most important contribution of  Param Pujya Swami Ramdevji Maharaj is that he made yoga, an integral part of the life style in every household in Bharat. He also unraveled the ancient mystery of yoga and made it popular at the global level. But he laid special importance to Kapalbhati among...

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